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2019-12-09 09:57:53 +01:00

171 lines
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from engine.resources import res
from engine.scene import Scene
from engine.entity import Entity
from engine.components.sprite import Sprite
from engine.components.collide_rect import CollideRect
from import GraphicsServer
from engine.scene_manager import SceneManager
from pygame import Rect
from pygame import image
from pygame import Surface
from pygame import draw
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame import key
from itertools import product
class PacDot(Entity):
s = Surface((S, S)), (255, 255, 0), (S//2, S//2), S//4)
def __init__(self):
CollideRect(self, Rect(0, 0, S, S),
static=True, solid=False, cb=self.cb)
Sprite(self, PacDot.s, 1)
def cb(self):
def path(start, tgt, x, y, trace, length):
if start == tgt:
return length
if start is None or trace[y][x]:
return False
trace[y][x] = True
u = path(start.up, tgt, x, y-1, trace, length + 1)
d = path(start.down, tgt, x, y+1, trace, length + 1)
l = path(start.left, tgt, x-1, y, trace, length + 1)
r = path(start.right, tgt, x+1, y, trace, length + 1)
best = None
for subpath in (u, d, l, r):
if subpath and (best is None or subpath < best):
best = subpath
return best
class Node():
def __init__(self):
self.up = None
self.down = None
self.left = None
self.right = None
graph = None
class Level(Entity):
def __init__(self, path):
desc = image.load(res(path))
w, h = desc.get_size()
GraphicsServer().resize((w * S, h * S))
# graph = [[None for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)] = Surface((w * S, h * S)).convert(), 0, 0))
wall = Surface((S, S)).convert()
wall.fill((0, 0, 255))
for x, y in product(range(w), range(h)):
col = desc.get_at((x, y))
if col == (0, 0, 255):
CollideRect(self, Rect(x * S, y * S, S, S)), (x * S, y * S))
elif col == (139, 139, 139):
pc = PacDot()
pc.x = x * S
pc.y = y * S
# elif col == (0, 0, 0):
# graph[y][x] = Node()
# for y, line in enumerate(graph):
# for x, node in enumerate(line):
# if node is None:
# continue
# if x > 0:
# node.left = graph[y][x-1]
# if x < w:
# node.right = graph[y][x+1]
# if y > 0:
# node.up = graph[y-1][x]
# if y < h:
# node.down = graph[y+1][y]
Sprite(self,, 0)
class MovingEntity(Entity):
def __init__(self, surf):
sprite = Sprite(self, surf, 2)
self.phys = CollideRect(
Rect(self.x, self.y, sprite.width, sprite.width),
class Ghost(MovingEntity):
def __init__(self):
self.script = Ghost.script
def script(self):
# cur_node = graph[self.y//S][self.x//S]
pacman = SceneManager().scene.entities['pacman']
# pacman_node = graph[pacman.y//S][pacman.x//S]
x_dist = pacman.x - self.x
y_dist = pacman.y - self.y
s = 1
self.phys.vx = s if x_dist > 0 else -s
self.phys.vy = s if y_dist > 0 else -s
class Lvl0(Scene):
def load(self):
T = 1
v = 2
pac_surf = Surface((S//T, S//T)).convert()
pac_surf.fill((0, 0, 0)), (255, 255, 0), (S//(2*T), S//(2*T)), S//(2*T))
pacman = MovingEntity(pac_surf)
def pacman_script(entity):
p = pacman.phys
inputs = key.get_pressed()
if T > 1:
p.vx = 0
p.vy = 0
if inputs[K_UP]:
p.vy = -v
if inputs[K_DOWN]:
p.vy = v
if inputs[K_LEFT]:
p.vx = -v
if inputs[K_RIGHT]:
p.vx = v
pacman.script = pacman_script
pacman.x = pacman.phys.rect.x = S*1
pacman.y = pacman.phys.rect.y = S*1
pacman.phys.rect.w = S//T
pacman.phys.rect.h = S//T
self.entities['level'] = Level('lvl0.png')
for i, entity in enumerate(entities):
self.entities[f'pacdot-{i}'] = entity
self.entities['pacman'] = pacman
self.entities['ghost'] = Ghost()
self.entities['ghost'].x = S*6
self.entities['ghost'].y = S*2
scene = Lvl0()