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96 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pacmap
import os
from enum import IntEnum
pacdot_counter = 88
score = 0
lives = 3
class Direction(IntEnum):
U = 0
D = 1
R = 2
L = 3
class FruitType(IntEnum):
A = 0
class Fruit:
def __init__(self, fruit_type, score, position = (0, 0)):
self.fruit_type = fruit_type
self.score = score
self.position = position
class Pacman:
def __init__(self):
self.position = (0.0, 0.0)
self.direction = Direction.R
self.next_direction = Direction.R
self.super_power = 0 # Counter of super pacdots in effect (> 0 means super power is active)
self.ghost_combo = 0
self.size = (1.8, 1.8) # size related to tile size
def matrix_position(self):
return (int(self.position[0]), int(self.position[1]))
def has_super_power(self):
return self.super_power > 0
def eat_pacdot(self, dot_map):
global score
global pacdot_counter
dot_map.dots_map[self.matrix_position()[0]][self.matrix_position()[1]] = pacmap.DotTile.NDT
pacdot_counter -= 1
score += 10
if pacdot_counter == 0:
def eat_super_pacdot(self, dot_map):
global score
dot_map.dots_map[self.matrix_position()[0]][self.matrix_position()[1]] = pacmap.DotTile.NDT
score += 50
self.super_power += 1
# Requires UNIX
#pid = os.fork()
#if pid == 0:
# return
self.super_power -= 1
self.ghost_combo = 0
def eat_fruit(self, fruit, dot_map):
global score
dot_map.dots_map[self.matrix_position()[0]][self.matrix_position()[1]] = pacmap.DotTile.NDT
score += fruit.score
def eat_ghost(self, ghost):
global score
self.ghost_combo += 1
score += (2 ** self.ghost_combo) * 100
def get_eaten(self, dot_map):
global lives
#TODO score loss ?
self.position = dot_map.spawn_point #TODO
lives -= 1
if lives < 0: # à vérifier
def game_over(status = "lose"):